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Sunday, 19 February 2012

Translation of Employment Contracts ENGLISH-SPANISH

Notes on the translation of Employment Contracts from English into Spanish:

(please do not take these translations as the ONLY translation possible. In some cases, this is just my version of it, according to the texts I have been working with, but it might not be suitable in another context).

- Employment Contract: Contrato de Trabajo

- Breach of contract: Incumplimiento de contrato

- By contract: por contrato

- Employer: El Empleador (it is used more often now in Spanish employment contracts. It could also be translated as "La Empresa").

- Continous Employment: Antigüedad laboral. It can also be translated as "empleo ininterrumpido".
  The concept of continuous employment is of fundamental importance in the UK employment law because:-
* an employee must complete a minimum period of "continuous employment" to be eligible for certain rights; and
* length of continuous employment is often an important factor in assessing any compensation which may be due to him (e.g. on unfair dismissal or redundancy )

- Registered office: domicilio social

- Place of work: Lugar de trabajo
- Termination of the contract: Extinción del contrato

- Notice period: plazo/período de preaviso

- Redundancy payment: indemnización por despido

- Serious or gross misconduct: Faltas graves o muy graves
In Spanish, there is a differentiation between "faltas leves, graves o muy graves". See link below for a better explanation:

- Payment in lieu of: pago sustitutivo
The loan “payment in lieu “, refers to a payment that is given in place of an entitlement (Source: Qfinance)
It is not always possible to find a loan word with the same meaning or associations and be able to keep the stylistic effect in the TT. In this case, I tried to find an expression in the TT which maintains the propositional meaning of the loan, even if the effect and style are lost in the translation process.

- Deductions: Retenciones

- Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures: Procedimiento disciplinario y de resolución de conflictos

- Working Time Regulations: Reglamento sobre Horas de Trabajo (leave the name of the legislation in English too, in case the reader wants to access this reference).

- Stakeholder pensions: "plan de pensiones de partícipe" (stakeholder pensions).

Stakeholder pensions, available in the UK from April 2001, aim to provide a low-cost, transparent and flexible way for people on low incomes to make additional provisions for their retirement. This concept is specific to UK law. Baker describes this type of problem as “culture-specific” problem of non- equivalence (Baker, 18). The translator needs to find a descriptive equivalent which will explain the concept in the TL. The strategy I decided to use, in this case, is to keep the name in English, in brackets, after using a descriptive equivalent “plan de pensiones de partícipe” which helps the target reader understand the concept.

If you need to find parallel texts in Spanish, I would suggest you have a look at employment contracts used by the Spanish “Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE)”, an autonomous body of the Spanish Government whose main function is the management of employment, public registry of contracts, etc.